First an update on how the embracing of my gray hair is going...
Almost there. With the next cut, I'll be all gray. |
Overall, I'm liking this very short cut and I'm enjoying the gray hair too. Of course, as you can see, there is still residual from previous coloring showing. With another cut in a month or so, I should be all gray.
Next, I have to take charge of eating more healthily and regular exercise. Both have gotten out of control over the previous months. How had the simple life of a park volunteer become so complicated as to remove me from taking good care of me and us?
Today is day two of our new snowbird lifestyle. It does not yet feel real or normal! I know I've not fully registered what it means!
Over lunch yesterday in Half Moon Bay, John and I began to talk about what's important to us as we engage in this new way of life. We have lots to sort through yet.
John and Gingee waiting for lunch to arrive yesterday in Half Moon Bay. |
We arrived at Bodega Bay in Sonoma County California late afternoon yesterday. We'll camp here for several days before continuing our rv adventure north towards British Columbia, Canada.
The scene outside our window this morning at Doran Beach County Campground in
Bodega Bay (Northern California). |
I am clear that what is important to me as we move forward with our lives is that I want to enjoy the moment and enjoy the journey, I want to nurture my connection with family and friends, I want to keep growing as a person and I want to maintain my health. Finally, I want to make the most wonderful memories yet with my life partner John and my doggie girl Gingee.
What was life like for you this past week?